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July 5, 2006

Gnarls Barkley: the drink
I've been really impressed by the Gnarls Barkley album, "St. Elsewhere". Perhaps you've heard of it, as it's been in the press pretty much nonstop since the spring. I like them, I like their music, and of course I really like their promotional photos.
So one night last week while on vacation at a sleepy little lake in Vermont, I realized that Gnarls Barkley deserve their own drink. Something with all-American ingredients that was sort of Southern, and sort of like what teenagers might want to drink the first time they get really drunk on their parents' liquor cabinet and whatever they find in the fridge. With some experimentation (first attempt turned out to be a modified Scarlett O'Hara), and some help from my drinking buddy and Joe the bartender, we hit upon Gnarls Barkley: the drink.
In a highball glass:
A good, long, healthy pour of Jim Beam (or Jack Daniels)
Fill most of the glass with Dr. Pepper and ice (or Mr. Pibb if you want to be extra southern)
Add a splash of cranberry (doesn't add any flavor, but makes the drink a nice deep red)
Crush a mint leaf, add that in
Garnish with lime
It's delicious! Sort of a less classy mint julep. Drink up!
Arts and Crafts, Culture, Music
posted by amy at 5:29 PM | #
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The drink looks so delicious when they're drinking it in their promotional photos.
Posted by: Agent 0019 at July 6, 2006 1:07 PM
mmmmmm, sounds deelish.
Posted by: goldenfiddle at July 5, 2006 8:50 PM