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October 17, 2006

Studio 60, the Most Important Television Show Ever in the History of Television
How important is Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip? How important? It is so important that this exchange actually happened last night between Matthew Perry's troubled genius sketch comedy writer and a Very Important Journalist, played by Christine Lahti, who is writing a fictional Vanity Fair piece about his barely-fictional show.
Perry: You've covered presidential campaigns. You've covered wars. What are you writing about a tv show for?
Lahti: I'm writing about it because what's happened here is important. I think what's happening here is important. I think popular culture in general and this show in particular are important.
Oh my GOD, Aaron Sorkin, how much more important could this show get?! Tell me! Is it IMPORTANT ENOUGH TO GET STING TO COME OUT AND PLAY HIS LUTE?
Fuck you, Sorkin. Only 4 episodes in and I'm already sick of you insulting my tv viewing habits and trying to make me feel bad for disliking your pompous show. It's JUST TELEVISION. I'm done with Studio 60, and if you want to talk about it, you can find me over at Wife Swap on Wednesday nights.
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Yeah, that exchange made me snort too. I see what Sorkin's getting at -- that the first episode's "mad as hell" moment was supposedly a watershed for network television. Peet turning down the reality show is obviously a part of that. But if this is the thematic heart of the show, Sorkin hasn't made it very clear yet, and I'm not sure it's all that believeable in the first place.
Posted by: Matthew Saunders at October 18, 2006 10:23 AM