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February 14, 2007

Who's Older?™: Valentine's Day edition
Today Al Franken announced that he's going to run for Senate in Minnesota in 2008. Air America may have faded in stature lately, but you can't keep the guy down, and he sure loves his country. "I want you to know," he said in his announcement, "nothing means more to me than making government work better for the working families of this state."
John Waters' last couple of movies may not have done so well, but he has a stand-up movie called This Filthy World at the Berlin Film Festival, and a Valentine's Day album out called "A Date With John Waters". I'll always love him, especially because of a recent interview in BUST magazine in which he said that his ideal date would be holding up a 7-11.
So open your heart to the love of resilient old coots and pick which one you think is older.
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Who's Older?
posted by amy at 4:43 PM | #
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