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January 16, 2008

¡Viva España!
“Long live Spain!” the four-verse anthem begins. “Let us all sing together with different voices and a single heart! Long live Spain! From the green valleys to the vast sea.”“It’s absolute drivel,” said Josep Ramoneda, director of the Center for Contemporary Culture in Barcelona. “It could be about any country: Belarus, Lithuania, Spain.”
“It would make a good theme tune for the Eurovision Song Contest,” he added, referring to Europe’s annual pop music gala.
It reminds me of the Welsh anthem, sample quote:
O land of the mountains, the bard's paradise,
Whose precipice, valleys lone as the skies,
Green murmuring forest, far echoing flood
Fire the fancy and quicken the blood
Apparently parliament is very unlikely to approve the new words, and athletes will be stuck with dum dee dum dum.
posted by Cushie at 3:43 PM | #
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