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August 6, 2003

Rumors are coming fast and
Rumors are coming fast and furious that Ben and J. Lo have broken up, but J is saying trying to quash the story. Rumor has it:
she arrived in Los Angeles and declared she was single last Thursday - the night before their troubled on-screen collaboration Gigli hit cinemas. The singer and actress had been awoken on Wednesday by her radio presenter sister Lynda, who asked her live on air about the National Enquirer's allegations her fiance had spent the night with strippers at a Vancouver lap dancing bar earlier that month. Lopez stated that, "It sounds like Ben. I'll have to ask him." A source confides to the New York Post that Lopez, who had taken her engagement ring off, then fled the Winnipeg, Canada, set of her new movie Shall We Dance and headed for her Los Angeles home on Thursday.Later, she was "very cranky" during a photo shoot in NY, but drowned her sorrows with Q-Tip and some friends at Shelter [flash/annoying audio], and running up a $9,000 tab.
Hey, Jenny from the Block: next time you're going to give nine thousand dollars to Shelter, why not try Homeless Shelter instead?
Meanwhile, since breaking up with Salma, Ed Norton is turning into an even bigger ass than he already was. From Page Six: EDWARD Norton holding hands with a brunette beauty named Nina as they left Babbo, where he'd told the waiters, "She's much prettier than Salma [Hayek], isn't she?"
Update: Reuters gets to the bottom of the J. Lo flap. "Sources" say she doesn't care about the strip club incident. Predictably, Tara Reid is also involved.
posted by adm at 2:37 AM | #