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January 27, 2004

Gay People do Stand-Up
In a move that expands gay TV beyond serio-comedy on Showtime and home decoration reality shows, Comedy Central debuts its new gay stand-up comedy show, Out on the Edge, on Monday. The host is Amy's Robot's favorite omnisexual Scotsman, Alan Cumming, who as ADM says, stole the entire Spy Kids 2 movie in his single 3-minute scene. (there's a great tidbit on the Trivia page in his IMDB record: For Halloween 2002 in Vancouver, Cumming and his X2 costar, Ian McKellen, dressed as their characters Fegan Floop (from Spy Kids) and Gandalf (from the Lord of the Rings trilogy) respectively. "He carved me this great Nightcrawler pumpkin and helped answer the door so there were Gandalf and Floop handing out candies," says Cumming.)
I always thought one of the most important components of the women's movement has been female comedians reminding everyone that women aren't grim, single-minded feminist machines, but can tell jokes too. You can watch segments of many featured comics routines on the Comedy Central site, and The Gay Pimp especially illustrates the point very well. He also created a show called Dirty Gay Teen Pop Superstars in Concert, so you know he's onto something.
Culture, Gender, TV
posted by amy at 1:12 PM | #