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May 24, 2004

The American Dream
The low-carb lifestyle can get so tiring. Sometimes, after eating my fill of eggs and steak, I dont even want to sit down in front of the tv with that crustless cheesecake flavored with Splenda.
Luckily, the altruistic food producers of our great country want us all to succeed on our weight loss journeys. Coca-Cola has announced the launch of a lightly-carbohydrated beverage, and it looks like soon you'll have to go to Canada to buy a danish made with white flour. Here are just a few other low-carb products available at your local store:
Fiber supplements (an essential tool for the low-carb dieter, if you know what I mean)
Subway sandwiches
Margarita mix
Entenmanns cakes and cookies
Hamburger Helper
Eat up, America! You may end up in the hospital or the poorhouse, but with all these low-carb, calorie-dense, fat- and sodium- laden processed foods you can finally live the dream of losing weight without ever eating a vegetable again.
Business, Culture, Health
posted by Emily at 12:51 PM | #