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August 11, 2004

Just how tight is security?: An Amy痴 Robot Investigative Report
Yesterday, I tested our most recent security measures by driving a rented U-haul truck into New York City via I-95. Nervous readers will be happy to hear that my truck was pulled over and searched at the New York/Connecticut border by an apologetic state trooper. After a cursory glance at my cargo (some furniture), I was allowed to go. It seems the system is to pull over small rental trucks on a one-by-one basis, but direct larger delivery trucks into a separate lane to be stopped and searched. That line extended about a mile and a half, and since troopers were inspecting those trucks one at a time, it didn稚 look like any deliveries would be happening soon. Note to NYC business owners: Don稚 wait until the last minute to order your office supplies.
As requested, our DC-based correspondent weighs in on security around the IMF:
- Since the information given out was specifically about the IMF
and World Bank, DC and Congress first decided to take the
obvious step of inspecting every vehicle coming within two
blocks of. . .the Capitol.
- A local DC TV news station crew set up outside their truck
next door to the IMF and announced on live television that they
had been there for an hour and had not been stopped or searched.
They then interviewed the driver of another truck parked nearby
who also said he'd been waiting to drop off a shipment at a
construction site and no one had bothered him either.
- The IMF is now searching every car entering its basement
garage. IMF staffers, however, aren't the touchy feely,
warmhearted patient types that you might think, though, so the
Management had to send an email to all staff asking them not to
cut off those waiting in line during morning rush hour to sneak
into the garage ahead of their turn.
- The World Bank is now checking visitor identification in an
outdoor kiosk, instead of in their lobby. While this seems more
secure, the lobby is in fact a 10 story atrium, while the
outdoor kiosk is under an overhang containing about nine floors
of offices.
War and Security
posted by Emily at 12:37 PM | #