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August 10, 2004
New Hot Disease Accessory
I guess it's time we made a statement about this growing cultural trend, and so, prompted by Cushie, I would like to declare:
Yellow Cancer Bracelets Are The New AIDS Ribbons™
There's tons of media coverage over the widespread popularity of the yellow cancer Live Strong bracelets: they have been adopted by both Bush and Kerry, tons of celebrities, and millions of non-famous people. It has once again become easy to display your solidarity with people suffering from a horrible disease through a relatively meaningless symbolic gesture.
The main difference between the AIDS ribbons and these new things is that you have to purchase them from Nike instead of just making one yourself out of a piece of red ribbon. So this way, you can support cancer patients AND child labor and sweatshops all in one purchase!
Take note, fashion-conscious cancer patient supporters: cyclists are already wondering when the bracelets will transition from In to Out, which pretty much means it has already happened.
Business, Celebrities, Health, Politics, Sports
posted by amy at 12:32 PM | #
Also note that the nike cancer bracelets look suspiciously like the "sex bracelets" that are all the rage with the kids and WHICH NIKE ALSO SELLS.
qv. http://www.amysrobot.com/links/index.php?linkid=1939
Posted by: ADM at August 10, 2004 6:08 PM