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February 23, 2005

Next target: AARP
Cerative Response Concepts, who are the same consulting group who worked with Swift Vets for Truth during the presidential campaign, have gotten to work on another key item on the Bush agenda, and guess what? They're using unethical and confusing methods to degrade another opponent of the Administration. USA Next is a conservative lobby group who hired them to create an ad attacking AARP, who have (obviously) expressed criticism of the Bush plan (which, in the words of Billionaires for Bush, seeks to make Social Security neither.) They also attack AARP in a number of pieces on their website.
This is the ad, with a graphic big red X on the solider, and big green Checkmark on the couple [see complete ad here]:
Here's a letter from AARP about their stance on Social Security.
Culture, Economics, Media, Politics
posted by amy at 2:51 PM | #
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