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November 18, 2005

3-D on NBC
Do you watch NBC's new not really a hit show Medium starring Patricia Arquette as a woman who has visions of dead people who works with the DA's office to solve crimes? Of course you don't! But I hope you'll be watching this Monday night when Medium brings us a very special episode in 3-D! Only 25 episodes in to the whole series, and they're already pulling stunts like this.
Anyway, if you live in a top-tier city, or even in pretty much any second-tier city, you can pick up your very own 3-D glasses from teams of Sprint employees handing them out today, over the weekend, and Monday. List of cities and handout locations here. I got mine at Rockefeller Center.
These glasses are the exact same ones that were given out in the 1980's for TV broadcasts of Creature From the Black Lagoon and Gorilla At Large, so if you've got some in the back of a drawer somewhere, they should work just fine. 3-D technology seems to have peaked in about 1954.
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