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November 20, 2005

Strange stuff on the MySpace profile of girl whose parents were murdered in PA +
I'm really sorry if this is incorrect information or I have the wrong person or whatever, but...
It seems like the MySpace profile of the girl involved in last Sunday's Pennsylvania murder/kidnapping has put a cover of the song "Sunday Bloody Sunday" in a continuous loop on her MySpace page, along with the tagline, "life goes on..."
Anyway, here's a screen capture in case the profile changes.
I have no idea whether this is really the site of that girl or not, but it sure seems to be. It was a public profile when I came across it shortly after the murders and it has since been marked private.
I'm not passing judgment here. I just thought the choice of music is notable, though I'm not sure what is intended by it.
Update [11:40 am]: She changed it. The music is gone, and the tagline is different.
Crime, Technology
posted by adm at 1:43 AM | #
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You're right, it's gone. We're sorry. Can't find it anywhere.
Posted by: amy at December 21, 2007 10:01 AM
I love that song. Am I about to murder my parents?
I mean, do you even know what it's about?
If that was her thoughts in putting it up, then she certainly has no concept of it.
Because it's about how HORRIBLE The "Bloody Sunday" massacre in Ireland was. It's practically a peace anthem.
Posted by: amy at July 29, 2008 10:52 AM
And the screen capture is gone.
Posted by: Anonymous at December 21, 2007 12:06 AM