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January 9, 2006

Robot-on-the-Spot: Robots in Brooklyn!
If you're walking down Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn - look out! You may see some robots on the loose.
The robots are part of a display by Bennett Robot Works (aka artist Gordon Bennett) called "40 Robots" - a collection crafted from found industrial materials like used car parts, cameras, radios, and fire alarms. It looks like they've been up there since October, but I just noticed them a few weeks ago.
At first I was intrigued, then charmed. Now I stop and visit with my robot friends every time I walk past. My favorite is Detecto, but I am also partial to Captain.
The best thing about these robots is that they are for sale, and I imagine they make excellent gifts! In fact, you probably wouldn't even have to wait until someone's birthday. You could probably get one for me them right now, and they would be totally happy, I bet.
Art, Business, Culture, NYC, Robot-on-the-Spot, Technology
posted by Emily at 7:39 PM | #
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