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November 1, 2006

Halloween Parade
Last night's Village Halloween Parade was as insanely popular and wild as ever. I didn't get to the staging area at Broome and 6th Avenue until about 7:45, and for much of this back-end of the parade, it felt like there were more people marching in the parade than watching from the sidelines. As well it should be--what other major parade can you march in just by showing up?
We posted some photos on Flickr:
- Lovely feathery angel
- Pee Wee and his bike
- Dangerous-looking porcupine (front and rear views)
- Luchador
- A bloody alien/zombie woman with a scary doll puppet
- Sex robot
- And Steve Irwin with stingray (popular this year)
See lots of other photos on Gothamist, and parade set-up shots from earlier in the evening.
And did anyone else happen to catch George Whipple on NY1, who Emily suspects was drunk, interviewing Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley from KISS? We love you, George Whipple! He's briefly included in the NY1 video clip of the parade, which is really good.
Also: a day late, Rockefeller Plaza is dressed up as a cranberry bog. Publicity stunt for Ocean Spray or public health service for New Yorkers prone to UTIs?
NYC, Robot-on-the-Spot
posted by amy at 2:56 PM | #
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GENIUS. You will probably need a partner to pull off a Whipple's eyebrows costume, since their sheer volume is probably more than one person could handle.
Posted by: Amy at November 3, 2006 12:03 PM
I saw George Whipple and his eyebrows conducting some interviews, although sadly not Kiss. Next year maybe I will go as George's eyebrows.
Posted by: cushie at November 2, 2006 4:20 PM