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March 10, 2008


Remember when we didn't endorse Eliot Spitzer?

I'm so so sorry. Sorry I got caught.

You heard it here first: Amy's Robot wanted Suozzi (disclosure: he's related to one of us).

And poor Silda looks so, so miserable in that picture.

categories: Politics
posted by Cushie at 3:38 PM | #

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I wonder if he's going to go to rehab.

Posted by: cushie at March 11, 2008 12:01 AM

Eliot can go to rehab, while Silda hightails it over to her gynecologist's for every STD screening she can get her hands on.

Posted by: Amy at March 11, 2008 12:30 AM

All's I can say is that our feelings here in Washington are almost as hurt as poor Silda's. Why did he bring a hooker down from New York? Ain't our skanks good enough for him? They were good enough for David Vitter and he's from Louisiana, where the state flower is a herpes sore.

Also, the NY Post headline was "HO NO". Once again, they have raised the bar for entertaining tawdriness.

Posted by: T-Rock at March 11, 2008 10:47 AM

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