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May 13, 2008

Third World? Third Helpings!
That title was coined by a friend, T-Rock, when reports of growing obesity rates in developing countries emerged a few years ago.
But now it relates to Bush's recent explanation for why we are in the middle of a global food shortage--people in poor countries are eating too much.
This is incredible: in talking about the food crisis, Bush referenced India and its growing middle class. "When you start getting wealth, you start demanding better nutrition and better food, and so demand is high, and that causes the price to go up."
High demand for food is because of India? So if all those people in India would just stay poor and malnourished, there would be plenty of food to go around! Wow.
A representative from a poverty research institute in India hit back, and is quoted by the Times as saying:
Americans eats an average of 3,770 calories a day, which is more than anyone else in the world according to the UN, and 50% more than what the average Indian eats per day.
Maybe Bush is coming down on India for being such greedy snack-hogs because they've ignored his recent request to stop their plans to pipe gas into their country from Iran. Of course, they'll probably just use the pipeline to blast in more delicious Iranian cakes and halva and kebabs, those piggies!
Economics, Health, International, Politics
posted by amy at 4:40 PM | #
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