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May 1, 2003

David Lee Roth issued a
David Lee Roth issued a press release (which I'm still looking for) that says he stopped a knife-wielding intruder at his house with a shotgun over the weekend. Problem is, police say, it didn't really happen the way Diamond Dave says it did.
DLR's official website begins and ends with a non-skippable movie* of him playing Indian ragas or something with all these almost-naked, almost-Indian, almost-belly-dancing ladies around him. And a genie. So no press releases there. We love ya, Dave.
You want a quick "Who's Older?" challenge. Ok:
Who's older?
DLR or Mark Mothersbaugh (Devo)?
*Amy reminds you that this isn't the first weird home movie for Dave: don't forget about "No Holds Bar-B-Q" in which he showed off his imaginary karate skills. He talks about it and his other creative projects in this great interview with the Onion AV Club.
posted by adm at 4:55 PM | #
show some respct you knaves! diamond dave did(and still does) have it all over you! thank God the nut story wasn"t him,and he is ok. I was a fan, still am a fan, and will Always be a fan, diamond dave brought physical, and mental joy to his fans world wide-eddie and the boys were a joy to watch and listen to-compared to today's scurvy dogs! long live rock'nroll! peace. God bless you diamond dave 4 ever.
Posted by: debbie at May 16, 2009 6:13 PM