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November 3, 2008


Halloween Parade pics

Blue stick figure guy, Halloween parade

[photo by Camarolf]

Halloween fell on a Friday this year, and it was a warm night, so the Village Halloween Parade was especially popular. Some sponsored floats pulled out at the last minute, which just made more room for the tens of thousands of marchers, and a reported 2 million spectators lining 6th Avenue.

Among all the demonic Sarah Palins, Jokers, and Joe the Plumbers, there were many inspired costumes. A few photographic highlights:

And one of my favorites: white pointy-headed guys covered in inflated rubber gloves. There is probably an underlying concept here that I'm not understanding, but I still love it.

rubber gloves guys, Halloween Parade

[photo by Efreet69]

Many more photos are up on Flickr.

categories: NYC, Robot-on-the-Spot
posted by amy at 9:54 AM | #

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Those guys with the gloves are going to keep me awake at night.

Posted by: T-Rock at November 4, 2008 11:58 AM

I remember seeing the Richard Simmons posse over 10 years ago (same pink outfits and all) when I lived in NYC, but it seems to have grown.

Posted by: egn at November 4, 2008 1:30 PM

Thanks for the nice pics of my girfriend and me as Sylvie and Ted!

Posted by: lisa at November 10, 2008 5:14 PM

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