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March 9, 2009

Hell's Kitchen guy wants your kidney
Amidst all the street flyers around Hell's Kitchen offering to paint your apartment, clip your dog's nails, teach you Russian, or fix your computer, one enterprising guy has printed up a series of small yellow flyers and posted them all over 9th Avenue. He wants a kidney. [see a larger image]
These optimistic flyers are absolutely everywhere in the neighborhood--outside every bodega, the bike shop, the liquor store, and the Mexican bakery. Only 3 or 4 days in the hospital, and you might even be compensated for your organ. Sweet! And completely illegal!
I sent the photo to the Post--I hope they follow up with this "very sick guy" to see if he gets any takers.
Health, NYC, Robot-on-the-Spot
posted by amy at 12:33 PM | #
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very sad
Posted by: at March 9, 2009 9:10 PM
They are 2nd Avenue in the 30s as well.
Posted by: Robin at March 9, 2009 7:57 PM