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June 9, 2009

Christina Aguilera's mysterious cool trajectory
First she put her pants back on. Then she recorded an album of 40's style jazz with beats. Now Christina Aguilera is recording her new album with Ladytron, who reported that they were doing some tracks for the album, including a (presumably chilly-electro-style) cover of Ladyhawke's "My Delirium", a rockin' little song that was totally ubiquitous all winter and spring at the spinning class I go to.
And now she's recording with Le Tigre, those raging synth-punk feminist rockers we had almost given up on. It's been 5 years since their last album. But according to Le Tigre's JD Samson, the whole band is doing something with Christina for her new album, which comes out this fall. As Pitchfork reports, it will be a "bizarrely awesome combination."
I'm hoping for a duet of Christina's four-octave soul stylings and Kathleen Hanna's joyfully pissed-off snarl-screech. Hopefully recording with a mega-superstar will encourage Le Tigre to return to the catchy, banging, punky-pop sound from their early days.
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Yes, I can feel the crinkles settling deeper into my skin when I do what I think is a really relevant post, and it's about a bunch of bands and singers who hit their peaks 8-10 years ago.
Posted by: amy at June 15, 2009 4:53 PM
This is the first-ever Amys Robot music-related post in which I have heard of almost all the bands. This is either a milestone in my musical development, or evidence of Robot getting older (see story on Northside Music Festival to your right.)
Posted by: T-Rock at June 11, 2009 12:28 PM