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March 28, 2005

Some World Leaders Doing Better Than Others
Could it be that our own President George W. Bush is sapping the life force of Pope John Paul II?
Stay with me here.
On the one hand, you have the Pope, whose rapidly failing health left him, according to the Daily News, "speechless",
and "grimacing"
on the most Pope-centric day of the Catholic year.
Is it just a fluke that this sharp decline coincides with reports of George Bush's recent "frisky" and "impish" behavior? According to biking buddy (and sometime chief media strategist) Mark McKinnon, the President is "as calm and relaxed and confident and happy as I've ever seen him."
Far-fetched, you say? Well, how else to explain this bizarre quote from the President's rather creepy Saturday radio address?
"In this season of renewal, we remember that hope leads us closer to truth, and that in the end, even death, itself, will be defeated. That is the promise of Easter morning." [emphasis mine]
Before you get any ideas, I'm already pitching this to HBO.
International, Politics, Religion
posted by Emily at 11:38 AM | #
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