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November 9, 2007

Mickey Rourke's zen approach to DUI arrest
Yesterday we learned that Mickey Rourke got arrested in Miami for drunk scootering, which is sort of endearing, as crimes go. But I was especially charmed by his mugshot, in which he looks almost as destroyed as Nick Nolte did in his mental DUI mugshot from 2002.
But look at that grin! Nolte looks back at the camera from the bottom of a pit of despair, but Mickey Rourke takes a positive attitude about his substance abuse problems, his loud party shirt, and his goofy DUI arrest that is pretty funny, though not as funny as Bill Murray's.
Lesson: Mickey Rourke is probably more fun to drink with than Nick Nolte.
Celebrities, Crime
posted by amy at 11:39 AM | #
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nolte was hammered on heroin and lack of talent
Posted by: chris poole at February 5, 2009 1:45 PM
I think they buy their shirts at the same store.
Posted by: cushie at November 9, 2007 10:55 PM