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December 8, 2008

Tzameti remake
A little thing on Page Six today alerted me to a Hollywood remake of a Georgian movie from two years ago that freaked the hell out of me: Tzameti (13).
This movie was pretty rough: super low-budget, black and white, with no soundtrack to speak of, but it was one of the more intense movie-going experiences I've ever had. It got some attention when it came out, even though it only played in a few theaters, because the story is so thrilling and dark: a Georgian immigrant in France unwittingly signs up for a high-risk/high-reward secret game, and lots of horrible things happen. The less you know about the movie going in, the better.
The remake will feature Mickey Rouke, described by the Post as "covered in scars, facial hair, tattoos and cowboy gear" while shooting scenes for the movie in a Long Island prison. The rest of the cast is like every tough guy you can think of: Jason Statham, Ray Winstone, Ray Liotta, one of the guys from Oz, and good old Fitty. And to balance things out, there's also the guy who played Ian Curtis in Control, who presumably plays a skinny English guy.
Here's the website for the original movie. The original writer/director is doing the remake too. It might be tricky for him to maintain the suspense and tension of the original with the new cast of famous actors, many of whom are no strangers to hamming it up (and in cowboy gear too!), but the guy seems to know what he's doing.
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Wow - I hope they don't mess this up. The original was really great. . .
Posted by: Twin C at December 23, 2008 2:26 PM
Isn't Mickey Rourke always covered in scars, facial hair, tattoos and cowboy gear? And vomit?
Posted by: T-Rock at December 12, 2008 11:45 AM