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May 9, 2009

Who'dat?™: The ravages of age
Today's celebrity photo isn't quite tricky enough to be a Who'dat?™. But it does speak volumes about how strange people look as they get older and their faces get weirdly taut and sort of horizontally elongated.
Try to guess who this is, then click on the photo to see if you are right.
But OK, I'll just tell you.
Tori's features, which could be attributable to something other than bad plastic surgery, I guess, aren't even the weirdest part of this Reuters article. She has a new album out soon called Abnormally Attracted to Sin, and guess what it's about. Female sexuality? Faeries? Freaking out on peyote? Nope. The economy!
"The world has changed completely, it seems, in the past two years. The world that we all knew before, could wake up in feeling safe, now it seems that everything has been turned upside down," Amos told Reuters in an interview.
"The record is asking all kinds of questions about power -- how do we define it? Because if it's with money then we're all in trouble. And what is success? What are we attracted to? Because it kind of needs to change.
"I started thinking we can redefine what is a sexy, powerful male. To me that's the greatest challenge we have right now, because if we don't, a lot of relationships are just going to be ripped apart."
OK everyone, here's what you can do for our crumbling economy. Take Tori's advice, and make out with a sexy unemployed guy!
Celebrities, Economics, Who'Dat?
posted by amy at 2:32 PM | #
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Have to disagree with you there. It's all about how you describe yourself; I'd recommend "man of leisure".
Posted by: amy at May 10, 2009 8:02 PM
As a guy, my experience with women has taught that women as a whole don't find 'unemployed' guys attractive - in any way.
Posted by: dishnetwork at May 10, 2009 3:12 PM