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June 15, 2007

What security looks like in the new Hamas-ruled Gaza
A Reuters photo from the security area of the customs hall at the border between Gaza and Egypt.
Yikes. I'm guessing that you don't have to worry about packing your shampoo in a 3 oz. bottle when you run your bags through this scanner.
Meanwhile, one man living in Gaza takes an ambivalent, and depressingly pragmatic, approach to the new local bosses. "Today everybody is with Hamas because Hamas won the battle. If Fatah had won the battle they'd be with Fatah. We are a hungry people, we are with whoever gives us a bag of flour and a food coupon," said Yousef, 30. "Me, I'm with God and a bag of flour."
International, Politics, War and Security
posted by amy at 3:15 PM | #
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