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June 13, 2007

But will they remind us to spay and neuter our pets?
This Friday marks the end of Bob Barker's 35-year reign as host of The Price Is Right, and there's no question that the show just won't be the same without him. CBS sure knows - they still haven't found a replacement, although names like George Hamilton and the ever-popular John O'Hurley have been floating around. Rumor has it that even Rosie O'Donnell is trying to get in on a little Plinko™ action.
Obviously, Bob can never be replaced. Any new host will have to be someone with character, charm - and of course, someone who needs a job. Allow me to humbly suggest some candidates who may currently be looking for work:
Now, my clear front-runner is another animal lover - and someone that could be just what middle America needs to spice things up a little.
Crispin Glover!
A while back, we asked you to help us find a new host for another American institution, Family Feud. We didn't get that one right - the job went to the aforementioned O'Hurley - can we do better this time? Please add your suggestions to the comments.
posted by Emily at 12:45 PM | #
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I'd like to see Bernie Mac or Peter Gallagher--both are funny, respectable guys that The Price Is Right's core audience of stay at home moms and retired people would love, and both of their own shows have been canceled.
Also, who does Rosie O'Donnell think is going to hire her? For anything? Unless she makes like Dustin Hoffman in Tootsie and cleverly disguises herself as a sweet and conciliatory male actor, I think she's going to be hoping for another round of Flintstones sequels.
Posted by: amy at June 15, 2007 12:42 PM