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November 2, 2009

Halloween highlights
This year's Halloween Parade was certainly as wild as ever, but I arrived later than planned, so I stood around in the big crowded holding pen of costumed folk on 6th Ave until it started raining hard enough for one of my companion's white nylon costume to be compromised. And then bailed.
In the time I spent swarming around at the foot of the parade, Lady Gaga and Max from Where the Wild Things Are were by far the most represented, and there were (thankfully) very few unfunny political statement costumes. Here are a few highlights from the parade, and from the series of bars that I sought shelter in:
- A damsel tied to railroad tracks
- Two of a bunch of frequently photographed girls wearing elaborate body paint
- Severed head on a silver platter
- Walk/Don't Walk sign
- Another more elegant Walk/Don't Walk sign (love this one)
- American Gladiators
- A gaggle of Gagas
- And at the last bar I wound up in: Little Alex, Wayne, and Captain
HookMorgan all dancing to Queen (thanks for the correction, Kevin, you're right, blue cape = Morgan)
The blue foam monster in the top photo--anyone know what that is?
Lots more photos on Flickr.
NYC, Robot-on-the-Spot
posted by amy at 4:30 PM | #
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The Walk/Don't Walk is not just a great costume, but that picture is great, too. Nice lighting with the wet pavement.
Posted by: T-Rock at November 9, 2009 5:27 PM
Yeah, it's a great shot of a distinctly urban costume. It would be cool if there was a real walk/don't walk sign glowing somewhere in the background.
Posted by: amy at November 9, 2009 11:05 PM
Great costumes! (Although, I think that last one might actually be Captain Morgan, not Captain Hook... The blue cape gives it away.)
Posted by: Kevin at November 2, 2009 5:33 PM