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February 23, 2006

Yeah, Anne Hathaway! Shake off that nice-girl image!
Lindsay Lohan reportedly hates being called a "teen queen" and has worked overtime to free herself of that stifling Disney image (hint: lots of nudity usually does the trick). Now it looks like Anne Hathaway is barreling down the same trashy runway.
The former Princess Diaries star did last year's highly dirty straight-to-video Havoc, which has a description on IMDb that I'm just going to let speak for itself:
Then she did Brokeback Mountain, and got topless with impressive gusto while in the backseat with Jake Gyllenhaal.
Now she's announced plans to star in Judd Apatow's next movie, the tastefully titled Knocked Up. This movie is about a one-night stand that results in Hathaway getting knocked up. Seth Rogen is also slated to star in this movie, so it might be better than the title and premise suggest. And if Anne has anything to say about it, it will definitely feature her using lots of swear words, getting naked, and giving the finger to Julie Andrews.
Yeah! That'll show 'em!
Celebrities, Movies
posted by amy at 1:46 PM | #
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Unfortunately, we make it really hard for child actors to transition into adult actors who are "taken seriously". Anne knew she needed to bust up America's (and Hollywood's) perception of her, so she took on that crazy role in Havoc in which she punches out another girl and gives a blowjob, all in the first 5 minutes. Crazy as it sounds, that's more likely than not what landed her the role in Brokeback. And now -- ta da! -- she's a serious actress.
It could go either way for Lindsay. She already has a bad girl image, but she needs to play a married person or something before she gets taken seriously. Plus, she's still only 19 or so, right?
Posted by: ADM at February 23, 2006 3:07 PM