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May 8, 2007

Long way down
This flyer was taped to a lamppost on 9th Avenue, advertising an upcoming show at local cruddy fake-Irish bar Mean Fiddler in a couple weeks.
Guy from the Spin Doctors, using his 1993 Rolling Stone cover to promote his latest tour. Flyer is taped up next to an ad for a man with a van, and a flyer for a craft fair at a middle school.
[tx Cushie]
Music, NYC, Robot-on-the-Spot
posted by amy at 10:18 PM | #
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I think we've found someone who's hit the bottom of the barrel and it's quite sad given how much I loved the Spin Doctors in their hey-day. Hopefully he'll get some people to come out....Posted on 9th ave REALLY!? That's just so sad.
Posted by: Rhonda Rubalev at June 9, 2010 10:58 AM
Long way down...hmm. Do you really think this guy is down and out? My guess..probably not.
I think the true test of an artist is what they do when things become difficult after being so easy to begin with. He's playing music and not hiding anything. Good for him. Integrity is best represented when it's understated.
Posted by: Garland at September 2, 2007 1:42 AM