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November 14, 2007

Kelly Ripa doesn't care what anyone says, ass is still the new tits
Here's how Kelly Ripa got her butt to produce that modest but discernible curve, in her own words in Fitness magazine:
That's right, girl! Demand support and definition for that teeny little butt!
Last spring the Times priggishly claimed that the new erogenous zone was protruding collarbones, but with Kelly Ripa talking about mashing up her butt cleavage inside her jeans and Slate's recent "buttock innovation" slideshow, I think the ass still has this one nailed.
Celebrities, Culture
posted by amy at 4:32 PM | #
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This is why I love Kelly Ripa.
Posted by: Upskt Celebs at October 25, 2008 2:05 PM