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May 16, 2008

State motto bastardization
This ad for a new luxury high-rise in Williamsburg has been floating around the local press for a while. This week it's in the Onion. It's the most egregious rip-off of New Hampshire's aggressively libertarian state motto I've ever seen, and it definitely makes me want to withhold my tax dollars that are probably subsidizing this steel and glass hunk of hideousness.
In an attempt to discourage the Williamsburg Edge developers from taking a hard-core, no-bullshit motto like "Live Free or Die" and using it as some kind of nonsensical hyperbole to promote their latest yuppie compound, might I suggest a few other state mottos they might use instead:
Paraphrase Ohio's motto: With Trust Funds, All Things Are Possible.
Or update the New Jersey state motto: Liberty and Prosperity (thanks, Dad!)
Better yet, use the original motto of the Republic of Texas: Remember Galapagos!
Business, Media, NYC
posted by amy at 11:07 AM | #
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Um, what does sex with underage girls have to do with New Hampshire's state motto?
Posted by: Amy at June 19, 2008 11:03 PM
stop being such a fucking prude ---sex with girls at an age when they are old enough to feel and enjoy is nothing new its older than any history than we can recall---certainly older than any american history thats for sure!!!!!!
Posted by: at June 19, 2008 7:35 PM