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July 22, 2008
American food trends: desserts vs. vegetables
dessert photo by pam3laLocal food, it's all the rage. It tastes better and it's better for the environment, so the thinking goes. The Times has an article today on growing demand for locally grown food, which has become so important to overworked rich people that they are having vegetable gardens installed in their urban backyards so that someone else can come over to grow and harvest food for them. Sort of like being a gentleman farmer in San Francisco. Those of more modest means are ordering locally-grown food online to have it delivered to their cubicles.
But even as grocery stores are putting big LOCAL stickers on the milk that has always been locally sourced, the local trend might not have that radical an impact on what regular people buy and eat. Organic food has been widely available for years, but still represents only 3% of total food sales.
Also, the Times reports that a recent survey of chain restaurant and big food company chefs found that locally grown produce is now the second biggest food trend in America.
Number one is bite-size desserts.
Hm. As food trends go, it looks like the Treats Truck is going to crush community supported agriculture every time.
Business, Culture, Health, NYC
posted by amy at 3:10 PM | #
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Who doesn't love desserts. Even vegans wouldn't resist it. Actually, I'm having a handful of brownies with ice cream on top while playing and grinding wow gold
Posted by: Exiled at April 1, 2009 3:55 AM