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February 24, 2010

Women in subs
There's a brief little news item today announcing that the Pentagon has decided to allow women to work on Navy submarines, which I hadn't realized was something they couldn't do already. With all the attention Don't Ask Don't Tell has gotten lately, I sometimes forget about the tons of military jobs that women still aren't allowed to do (though as the Times reported last summer, they're increasingly doing those jobs anyway.)
So now that men and women can serve together on submarines (party sub!) and considering that Don't Ask Don't Tell's days are numbered, I can imagine one glorious day when there are gay and straight men and women all crammed in together on a submarine.
I'm pitching the sitcom! It will be like "How I Met Your Mother" meets "Glee". On a sub.
TV, War and Security, Women
posted by amy at 5:38 PM | #
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I've got it: Das Booty.
Posted by: amy at February 24, 2010 11:19 PM
Adding a few ladies to the cast is really going to spice up the new season of "All Hands on Dex."
Also, I wouldn't mind a show about the headstrong Capt. Dominica Smith - 1st female ever to captain a submarine - and her crew of eager young sailors. 'Sub & Dom', tonight on CBS.
Posted by: ORStylee at February 25, 2010 3:31 AM
Hello, sailor!
Posted by: amy at February 25, 2010 8:49 PM
Tentative title: The Water Closet.
Needs work.
Posted by: Matt S at February 24, 2010 11:08 PM