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November 14, 2006

Who'Dat?™: You look so pretty when you smile
Today's edition of Who'Dat?™ involves a recent celebrity who you may not know much about, but we're willing to bet you've seen a lot of in the past few months. Though this might be the first time you've seen him looking like a person that you would not want to punch in the face.
To play the game, try to figure out who this person is, then click on the picture to see if you are right.
More on this celebrity after the break.
We're confirmed John Hodgman fans over here, so Justin Long, aka The Mac Guy, and his unshaven smug little face and coolly superior attitude in the Get a Mac series of ads really rub us the wrong way. Hodgman, on the other hand, packs so much comedy into those 30 second ads that we're left actually sort of wanting to keep buying PCs out of some misguided desire to be his best friend.
Justin Long's rep supposedly claimed last week that he had ended his Mac contract, saying "Justin's a movie star, not a commercial guy." Not surprisingly, he's now claiming to have no idea where that statement came from. Too late, Mr. Movie Star.
Business, TV, Who'Dat?
posted by amy at 1:43 PM | #
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