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November 16, 2009

An excuse to watch The Equalizer intro
Edward Woodward died today, and while his career included many highlights like playing the main detective guy in the disturbing and insane The Wicker Man and the Ghost of Christmas Present in the George C. Scott version of A Christmas Carol, I'll always remember him for playing McCall in The Equalizer, the mid-80s show about a rogue secret agent protecting people in danger in a gritty, crime-infested New York.
No disrespect to Edward Woodward, but the best part of the show was really that awesome driving synthy theme song by Stewart Copeland, accompanied by a great montage of helpless New Yorkers getting menaced by thugs and rapists in elevators and a beautifully graffiti-covered 59th Street station:
Celebrities, TV
posted by amy at 5:40 PM | #
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Here's a terrible/awesome clip series of Edward Woodward kicking ass in his trench coat and pocket square, delivering lines to bad guys like, "Don't do anything you will never live to regret" before he throws them over the hood of a car.
Man, this is embarrassing.
Posted by: amy at November 19, 2009 1:26 PM
my parents would never let me stay up to watch this. fucking retards.
Posted by: scrambler at November 21, 2009 8:20 PM
Hooray for your write-up on The Equalizer!
Posted by: cagey at October 15, 2010 11:31 PM
Watching this makes me feel exactly the same way I feel when houseguests stumble upon my high school yearbooks and shriek their way through my traumatic late 80s memories.
Posted by: T-Rock at November 17, 2009 6:04 PM