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February 8, 2010

Band reunion
Here's a great SNL sketch from this weekend's show, for everyone who's realized with dawning horror that the guys from the Dead Kennedys, Black Flag, and the Circle Jerks are all well into their 50s now.
Band Reunion, with Crisis of Conformity:
You hear that, Alexander Haig?
Also, did you know Fred Armisen was the drummer for freaky 90s punk/hardcore/funk band Trenchmouth? I guess as SNL's oldest member and only legitimate aging rocker he's mentally preparing himself for his inevitable fist fight in the parking lot future.
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It's a hilarious song--I assume Fred Armisen wrote it himself as a perfect synthesis of every 80s hardcore song by the likes of Suicidal Tendencies and Black Flag. The names on the wedding sign, Cadena and Norton, are probably references to Dez Cadena from Black Flag and Greg Norton from Husker Du.
Posted by: amy at February 9, 2010 10:36 AM
This was the greatest sketch in ages from SNL. The song was so freaking great that I am still wondering if it is a real song or if it was done for the skit?
Posted by: Michael at February 8, 2010 5:12 PM