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September 28, 2010


The non-political implications of guns at UT

Police clear students out of UT after shooting

Today's shooting at University of Texas today might be most distinguished from other campus shootings because the ski mask-wearing gunman didn't actually shoot anyone besides himself. After running down the street carrying an AK-47 and terrifying students and professors, the 19 year-old Colton Tooley went to the 6th floor of the library, opened fire, missed everybody, then shot himself.

Cushie sent me a blog post from the Austin paper the Statesman about a reading that had been scheduled for tonight by John Lott, author of More Guns, Less Crime, a sentiment that after today's events could be viewed as more reasonable than ever or morbidly perverse, depending on what you think about guns.

Anyway, Lott was brought to campus by a student group called Students for Concealed Carry on Campus. The best part of the post is a quote from the president of Students for Concealed Carry on the reading's postponement due to an armed student opening fire on campus: "I don’t want to comment on any political aspects of this."

I know I'm a Democrat from the Northeast so am fundamentally unable to understand nuanced concealed-carry arguments, but seriously, more guns?!

Here's a great article from Harper's from a month or two ago, "Happiness in a Worn Gun", in which a liberal pro-gun guy in Colorado tries carrying his gun around for a few weeks to see how it feels. His conclusion: not so great.

Here's the Wikipedia entry on Charles Whitman, who killed his mother and wife, then went on a shooting spree at the University of Texas in 1966.

categories: Books, Crime, Politics
posted by amy at 4:20 PM | #

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I can't even express how fascinating I found that Harpers article. Thanks for the link!

Posted by: Gina at September 28, 2010 11:53 PM

Yeah, I love it, too! Lots of surprises in there. Maybe the most rigorously honest and self-aware piece about guns, fear, and power I've ever read.

Posted by: amy at September 29, 2010 10:33 AM

Virginia passed a law three years ago banning smoking in restaurants and bars, and one last year allowing people (as long as they don't drink alcohol) to carry guns in restaurants and bars. I think it's weird that Virginians would rather be around people carrying loaded guns than around people who smoke.

Posted by: T-Rock at September 29, 2010 11:26 AM

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