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December 16, 2010


Tree of Life trailer

Tree of Life

Have you see this trailer for Terrence Malick's new movie, The Tree of Life? It's gorgeous. Lots of really beautiful, celestially illuminated shots. Looks like he stuck to his usual technique of waiting for the "magic hour" just before sunset to do most of his filming. That shot of the boys being sprayed by the DDT truck (above) is the most gorgeous image of toxic exposure I've ever seen.

It's scheduled to come out in May 2011, but this is Terrence "4 movies in 30 years" Malick we're talking about here. This movie has been in the works for so long that Heath Ledger was originally going to be the star instead of Brad Pitt. Filming took place in mid-2008, and it was originally supposed to open in 2009. Whatever. I'm happy to wait.

Here's the trailer:

categories: Movies
posted by amy at 11:39 AM | #

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