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September 19, 2006

Coup in Thailand
Thailand Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra spoke yesterday at the Council on Foreign Relations here in New York, and discussed his country's sometimes rocky experiences with democracy. He also answered questions about the recent violence involving Muslim separatists in the south, and personal charges of corruption.
Apparently he finds it useful to compare the government he leads to a baby, because he used two different baby metaphors to describe the young democracy:
But when the cat's away... the tanks come in. A military group calling themselves the Council of Administrative Reform seized power tonight, surrounding government buildings with tanks, and have suspended the constitution and declared martial law. It's the first coup in Thailand in 15 years.
Good timing on the part of the military, waiting until the controversial leader is out of the country to take over. Must have been like taking candy from a baby.
International, NYC, Politics
posted by amy at 2:54 PM | #
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