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September 11, 2007

Which news makes the news?
You may have heard that CBS News anchor/albatross Katie Couric recently went to Iraq. Some things people have been talking about related to her mission:
- It was a publicity stunt for ratings.
- It was not a publicity stunt for ratings.
- Katie carefully considered her decision to go to Iraq, since she has 2 young children.
- Brian Williams of NBC Nightly News has already been to Iraq three times, and Bob Woodruff of ABC World News went to Iraq last year, where he was badly injured.
- Nobody did soul-searching interviews with them before they left about their young children.
- CBS News producers are "proud" of the show and Katie's journalistic chops despite all the viewers they've lost since she came on.
It's a good thing CBS didn't send Katie Couric to Iraq and Syria for ratings, since all that media coverage didn't get anyone to actually watch her show. Last week while she was there, the Evening News tied its own all-time low record.
In other news news, I bet you haven't been seeing any news coverage about Margaret Warner of PBS's News Hour, who was in Pakistan, home to al-Qaida and recent suicide bombings, at just about the exact same time that Katie Couric was in Iraq. Her pieces were awesome, and she did interviews with politicians (former Prime Ministers Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif), people on the street, local journalists, and business people. She seemed to really like being there, calling Islamabad "a political junkie's paradise," and it was a great series.
Incredibly, Margaret Warner's News Hour bio doesn't say if she has any small children who she, as a mother, might have taken into consideration when planning her trip.
Gender, Media, TV, War and Security
posted by amy at 4:18 PM | #
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