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August 29, 2011

Who'dat?™: Celebrity Frump edition
I had a lot of trouble identifying the celebrity in today's Who'dat?™, and even after I found out who it is, the next time I saw the same image, I looked at this person and said, "Wait, who is that again? Annette Bening with a terrible imitation of Chrissie Hynde's haircut?"
To play, look at the photo and try to guess who it is. Then click on it to see if you're right. It's not Annette Bening.
Once you've played, take a look at the original source material.
I guess you've gotta go all out on the frumpy styling in order to make a beautiful woman credible as an investigative journalist.
Celebrities, Who'Dat?
posted by amy at 8:46 PM | #
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