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February 9, 2003

President Clinton was on Larry
President Clinton was on Larry King last week. Here's the transcript. Meanwhile, here's an article about how Larry King is struggling to remain relevant and seen. Boy, Clinton is something else...one minute he's talking to Larry about how to fix things in North Korea, and the next minute he comes out with this about the space shuttle:
CLINTON: The most dangerous points of space travel are the first 90 seconds when the liftoff. You have the powerful rockets and you have got to lose a couple of stages and a lot of things can happen. That's what happened before 17 years ago with those people on Challenger.Can you imagine W., or really any other president spitting that stuff out? No.And then when you come back in. If the spaceship goes in at too shallow a plane, it will bounce off and just fly off into outer space. If it goes in it too steep a plane it will burn up. So it came in, they said that the problems happened at about 205,000 feet, I think? So I thought to myself what could have happened? You know, did the computer go out and the pilot have to make a last-minute -- you know, the pilot would take over? Did he not have enough time? Did the computer malfunction or was just something that happened to the spacecraft that it did not...
posted by adm at 1:25 PM | #