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July 9, 2003

The creators of 24 say
The creators of 24 say La Femme Nikita, the show, was their primary inspiration.
This article seems like as good an excuse as any to introduce yet another exciting new feature here on Amy's Robot:
Who's Older? (Interactive Edition)™
In previous Who's Olderses, you've noticed that we never really checked your answer. You had to find out for yourself by following the links, so no one really knew if you had the right answer or not. Well, that's all about to change.
From now on, when we offer a Who's Older?™, you click on the name of the person you think is older, and we will automatically show you a page that tells you if you are right or not, and offer links for more info about that person. What do you think about that? Good.
Ok, so here we go. Here's round 1 of the new Who's Older? (Interactive Edition)™
[this quiz is disabled]
Take a guess! Hope you like our new game.
posted by adm at 11:49 AM | #