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August 25, 2003

Washington Post, via MSN, has
Washington Post, via MSN, has a discussion on whether people should be called "Latino" or "Hispanic". Some, like Sandra Cisneros say "Hispanic" is like "a slave name". Supposedly, you're not allowed to say "Hispanic" on Univision. The main difference between the words is that Latino generally describes people descended from Latin America, and Hispanic refers to people from the Iberian peninsula. The debate is starting to boil over as different organizations and advocates take sides.
Interestingly, Hispanic Magazine, which features prominently in the discussion, explored this same issue in December 2000. Back then, they found a majority of those surveyed preferred the term "Hispanic", although perhaps the results would have turned out differently if Urban Latino magazine ran the survey.
Meanwhile, NYC has semi-sidestepped the issue by announcing "the Latin New York Festival" which will go from 8/21 to 9/6.
posted by adm at 2:53 AM | #