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November 3, 2003


Hurray for Puffy


His music sucks, he practically killed hip-hop, and he's often a reckless pain in the ass, but let's hear it for P. Diddy. In running the marathon yesterday, he raised $2 million for the children of NYC. What makes this remarkable -- apart from the fact that he barely trained and he had a bad knee -- is that he gave our kids twice as much money as AOL did for that Dave Matthews Band concert in Central Park. That event, sponsored by the one of the largest media companies in the world and attended by a few hundred thousand people, was heralded by much hype and self-congratulation and resulted in less than enough money to feed every school kid breakfast for a day. But Puffy, all by himself, showed just how much one person can accomplish if he sets his mind (and body) to it. His efforts are all the more admirable considering he finagled his ex-girlfriend and her annoying boyfriend into giving him $77,000. Way to go, Puff. So now please don't ruin it by shooting up a Times Square club again.

categories: NYC
posted by adm at 8:58 AM | #


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