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September 16, 2005

While the increasingly massive crop of celebrity magazines love nothing more than focusing on stars' pet projects and extracurricular interests, I always find it amazing how - well, how boring they are. Some go to school. Some rescue animals. Some like hamburgers. And now, with every celebrity in the world is rushing to New Orleans to prove that they are humanitarians interested in the larger world, that seems even clearer.
But about some celebrities' "real" lives, we hear nothing. And that can be very confusing when, say, you're having trouble sleeping, and you think, "oh, maybe I'll watch this documentary on Roman aqueducts on the History channel," and then while they're interviewing an expert from Syracuse University you suddenly realize, oh my god, is that -
And yes. Yes, it actually is Peter Weller/Robocop, who holds a Master's degree in Roman and Renaissance Art, and is now one of Syracuse's most popular professors. He also collects first-century coins. Of course, since Robocop is, to this day, the most violent movie I've ever seen, Weller's interest in Ancient Rome seems a fitting pursuit.
By the way, he's also in a jazz band with Jeff Goldblum. Who knew?
[tx John for additional reporting]
posted by Emily at 2:24 PM | #
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