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November 1, 2005

A Scary Halloween Announcement
In honor of last night's Halloween festivities, I bring you spooky news of....
They are one and the same. Knowing that I am a slave to both candy and marketing, some friends recently brought back this candy from a trip to New England. The concept and execution of this candy put it miles above other children's novelty candies. Kid's Brands Tooth Ache Candy Pressed And Liquid Candy ™ may not be scary to someone on their first set of teeth, but let me tell you - a little periodontal surgery is all it requires to make this one of the scariest candies you've ever encountered.
Marketed charmingly as "red raspberry flavor candy cream jell with pressed dextrose teeth," Kid's Brands Tooth Ache Candy Pressed And Liquid Candy™ comes packaged in a segmented plastic tooth. On one side of the molar, little sugared teeth. On the other - a quivering mass of red blood.
Using the little tongs provided, you dip the tooth into the gum until it's nice and bloody.
Then, you pop that little sucker into your mouth, gel and all.
And the best part? It is so much more delicious than you thought! The goopy gel and crunchy teeth come together for a perfect taste sensation.
And even better: The brand has recently expanded to include green "Rotten Little Teeth." Thank you, Hungarian candy manufacturers, for creating this fine product! In coming months, I hope to see Kid's Brands Tooth Ache Candy Pressed And Liquid Candy ™ in stores across our great country.
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