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March 29, 2007

Blades of Glory: if the promotional photos are anything to go on...
... this is going to be the greatest movie of the year.
I can't say anything about the script or direction, but a lot of very talented people are involved with the costume and hair design of Blades of Glory [official site]. One of them is Julie Weiss, who also did costume design for Twelve Monkeys and Frida. In an interview in today's Daily News, she inspiringly connects working on Blades of Glory to her Tony Award-winning design of a theatrical production of The Elephant Man: "That was a story with the theme, 'I'm just a man, accept me for who I am.' Who would have thought I would have gone from Elephant Man to Blades of Glory saying the same thing? It's the same theme." Will Ferrell needs to hire this woman to do the publicity for all his movies.
A post on CityRag features many more stills and promotional shots for the movie. Here's a taste:
As T-Rock pointed out, costumes and hair alone aren't enough to make a movie hilarious. But Will Arnett and Amy Poehler probably are.
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