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October 23, 2007


Before the Devil Knows You're Dead

Before the Devil Knows You're Dead


This Friday, what will hopefully be Sidney Lumet's first great movie since Running On Empty (or maybe since The Verdict?) comes out: Before the Devil Knows You're Dead.

I got excited about this movie when some filming notices were taped to the trees along 45th Street last summer. Here's what this movie has going for it: Philip Seymour Hoffman (in his scary-intense Punch-Drunk Love mode,) Ethan Hawke, Rosemary Harris, Albert Finney, and Marisa Tomei. And now we'll all be excited for Amy Ryan, too, since she's turned out to be one of the most exciting parts of Gone Baby Gone.

Plus it's a heist-gone-wrong movie, plus it's a movie about strife between brothers (which Philip Seymour Hoffman can basically do in his sleep since he did True West on Broadway with John C. Reilly back in 2000,) plus, as the AP review tells us today, the movie begins with a graphic, "unflinching" sex scene between Philip Seymour Hoffman and Marisa Tomei. I'm not sure that necessarily counts as a reason to see the movie, but one thing it is certainly going to be is memorable.

Here's the trailer. Last Sunday's Times had a great overview of Lumet's career, and his pragmatic, unsentimental approach to movies.

Please please please let Manohla Dargis review this movie.

categories: Movies
posted by amy at 2:30 PM | #

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I'm actually happy that A.O. Scott reviewed this. I don't know why, but Manohla Dargis rubs me the wrong way.

Posted by: longtimereader at October 27, 2007 2:53 AM

My favorite A.O. Scott reviews these days are his negative ones, which have been approaching masterpiece level. But his review last week of "Dan In Real Life" was really good, too--about as excited as he ever gets about romantic comedies.

Posted by: amy at October 30, 2007 11:42 AM

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