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January 9, 2008

Patton Oswalt eats a KFC Famous Bowl™
Someone over at the A.V. Club had the brilliant idea of getting Patton Oswalt to actually eat a KFC Famous Bowl™, the fast food metaphor for a world that has totally given up: "America has spoken - pile my food in a fucking bowl."
This is akin to getting TLC to go on a date with a scrub, or having Amy Winehouse spend a week in rehab.
So he wrote about it, and it's funny.
First, some photographic documentation. KFC's assertion as to what its Famous Bowl™ looks like:
Patton Oswalt's actual Famous Bowl™:
And a few descriptions of his experience eating it:
If you haven't ever seen his KFC Famous Bowl™ bit, you can watch it here:
Business, Celebrities, Media
posted by amy at 9:35 AM | #
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I didn't know. I thought about 6 seconds of the "Balls of Fury" trailer was funny, so with the Patton Oswalt part added in, I guess we're looking at half, maybe three-quarters of a minute of funny parts.
Posted by: amy at January 9, 2008 5:42 PM
Hey I was going to write you an email about Patton Oswalt and then I saw this. Did you know he had a small part in "Balls of Fury?" I didn't either, but then I was stuck on a plane for 13 hours and found out. He's hilarious. The rest of the movie, not so much.
Posted by: T-Rock at January 9, 2008 2:51 PM